A daughter of an Army Colonel and a mother who is an accomplished artist- I have been brought up in a somewhat –contradictory balance of strict discipline and the free world of art.! Born in New Delhi , raised in multiple Army Cantonments in India ,I am now settled with my husband in beautiful Indonesia , since many years.
Playing with colours and expressing myself through art has been my hobby since I was a small and a very shy kid ! This form of expression has brought out the best in me-as I am in love with discovery, both of an external and internal nature –which is a permanent unfolding !
I do not have the benefit of any formal education in Oil paintings,but with God’s grace , art is in my blood and in my soul and I can paint and express myself with ease on a canvas. I can humbly say, it ‘s a God’s gift .I have learnt to put my ego aside so I can ‘let the music come through’…
I work hard to improve my skills ,on my own ..as it requires that every artist must refine his/her skills ,mold his life , his body and his mind as the time goes
by.I strive to be my own teacher and my own pupil and never want to put an end to my learning .! I paint EVERYDAY in my “Divine Strokes Studio” and I learn something new with each new artwork!
As far as my style of work is concerned –I prefer to maintain an open-mindedness and freedom in doing what I love-and frankly I dislike to label my style. Best work is spontaneous work-done from my creative instincts- which has always touched a chord in mine and the viewers heart .
The best way I have found to find one’s path is to follow the advice of Joseph Campbell when he said “Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where none existed before”. So I simply follow my calling –no other theories to offer ! After a certain point, one must go without the need for approval of peers, society or expert opinion. It takes courage to leave the ‘group’, but sometimes one must.. !
My hope is that my paintings lets the viewers feel reassured and comforted, and finally lets them discover and recover the Art within themselves. That is always my greatest reward.
I have developed a very good range of clientele all over the world- thru my website and word of mouth ! My paintings are exported around the world and are in the private collections of offices, showrooms,private residences,schools and Embassies!
Last ,but not the least ,repeating my most inspiring master Van Gogh’s words .
I am still far from being what I want to be,but with God’s help ,I shall succeed”